Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 1 Blog 4

Blog 4 Free Choice

I missed the first wimba session. My son bought dinner tickets for the local wolf Pack meeting. So I listened to the archives. I felt over whelmed by the amount of work this class seems to demand. Maybe I’m taking each assignment as too involved. Then I went to the activity posting and I got even more confused. Do I post under each activity or do I just post on my blog? I am still confused about that, so I am posting everywhere. I don’t know if it is just my understanding of what is expected , but all the explanations seem confusing. I guess I need to ask. I did the quickies as explained. I hope I don’t have to include them in this blog.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to month 11, only another 51 days (as of this writing) until graduation, lots to do. Don't forget to enjoy this last part of your journey.
